Sunday, October 29, 2006

The Outlaw Josey Scotland

Mark "The Beast Fatu continued his recent interest in Clint Eastwoof films by suggesting a new twist on an old favourite. "I've got this picture of a western set in the mean streets of Glasgow" said Fatu through his agent "and we'll have this Scottish outlaw type that we'll call Josey Scotland and we'll have George Nash cast as the slightly bent cop who goes after him with a Magnum 44". Fatu says has an idea for a line when he finds Josey Scotland and says "make my day dirtbag", but as it is a western then everyone will have to be on a horse. Fatu said the classic scene was where Nash would go to a Celtic versus Rangers match, but it would be a polo game with even the crowd on horses. Fatu said he was in touch with Weta digital over the horse special effects but thought he was on to the ultimate Clint Eastwood movie with this one.

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